Telephone PBX Voicemail
A telephone PBX Voicemail system is a communication solution designed for businesses to efficiently manage incoming calls and messages. This system incorporates a Private Branch Exchange (PBX) to route calls within the organization and Voicemail to store and deliver messages when employees are unavailable. With Telephone PBX Voicemail, businesses can enhance their customer service by ensuring all calls are promptly answered and messages are efficiently recorded and retrieved. This system streamlines communication processes, improves professional image, and increases productivity. Businesses can customize configurations to meet specific needs, allowing for seamless integration and effective management of calls and messages.
NEC Business and H/M Processor Card Neax 2000 IVS CPOO-B
$363.00Was: $770.00NEC CPOO-B Business and H/M Processor Card pulled from NEAX 2000 Integrated Voice Server (IVS) working system Condition: UsedThis item has been inspected and it is in good condition.24266- SKU:
- 24266
- Weight:
- 4.00 LBS
$363.00Was: $770.00 -
NEC 8RSTA DTMF Register Card - EAX 2000 Integrated Voice Server IVS
$24.50Was: $108.00NEC 8RSTA DTMF Register Card - EAX 2000 Integrated Voice Server IVS pulled from NEAX 2000 Integrated Voice Server (IVS) working system Condition: UsedThis used board has been inspected and appears to be in good condition but has not been...24265- SKU:
- 24265
- Weight:
- 4.00 LBS
$24.50Was: $108.00 -
NEC 24DTA-A Digital Trunk Interface - NEAX 2000 IVS Integrated Voice Server
$45.00Was: $175.00NEC 24DTA-A Digital Trunk Interface - NEAX 2000 IVS Integrated Voice Server pulled from NEAX 2000 Integrated Voice Server (IVS) working system Condition: UsedThis used PBX board has been inspected and appears to be in good condition. It was...24264- SKU:
- 24264
- Weight:
- 2.00 LBS
$45.00Was: $175.00 -
NEC 2DLCC Dterm II Digital Station Terminal Console Card NEAX 2000 Voice Server
$36.50Was: $80.00NEC 2DLCC Dterm II Digital Station Terminal Console Card NEAX 2000 Voice Server pulled from NEAX 2000 Integrated Voice Server (IVS) working system Condition: UsedThis used board has been inspected and appears to be in good condition. It was...24262- SKU:
- 24262
- Weight:
- 2.00 LBS
$36.50Was: $80.00 -
NEC External Relay Card DK00
$29.80Was: $63.00pulled from NEAX 2000 Integrated Voice Server (IVS) working system Condition: UsedThis item has been inspected and it is in good condition.24257- SKU:
- 24257
- Weight:
- 5.00 LBS
$29.80Was: $63.00 -
NEC BS01-B BUS Interface Circuit Card
$21.30Was: $45.00NEC BS01-B BUS Interface Circuit Card Came from NEAX2000 Integrated Voice Server Phone System Condition: UsedThis item has been inspected and it is in good condition.24175- SKU:
- 24175
- Weight:
- 6.00 LBS
$21.30Was: $45.00 -
NEC 4DLCD Digital Line Circuit Card for Neax 2000 IVS
$23.60Was: $50.00NEC 4DLCD Digital Line Circuit Card for Neax 2000 IVS Came from NEAX2000 Integrated Voice Server Phone System Condition: UsedThis item has been inspected and it is in good condition.24172- SKU:
- 24172
- Weight:
- 4.00 LBS
$23.60Was: $50.00 -
NEC Digital Line Circuit 4DLCA
$38.80Was: $85.00Came from NEAX2000 Integrated Voice Server Phone System Condition: UsedThis item has been inspected and it is in good condition.24171- SKU:
- 24171
- Weight:
- 4.00 LBS
$38.80Was: $85.00